How would you like to arrive?
- 00:30 h
- 9 m
- 154 m
- 1,600 m
- 1,752 m
- 152 m
- 1.77 km
- Start: Rigi Staffel
- Destination: Rigi Kulm
This short but rewarding hike starts on Rigi Kulm, directly behind the depot at the end of the Rigi Railway tracks. The first section is the steepest, but easily doable, and leads to the Kulm hut. There the trail branches off and then runs on a level plain towards Rigi Staffel.
In the last third, you have the opportunity to take a detour to the covered fire place - the perfect place for a break with a panoramic view. The trail then continues to Rigi Staffel, where you can connect to the cogwheel trains to Goldau or Vitznau.
Good to know
Best to visit
Rigi Staffel - Schinenfluh - Kulmhütte - Rigi Kulm
Tour information
High profiled hiking boots or trakking boots, rain jacket, drink, food and walking sticks when possible.
Directions & Parking facilities
However, we recommend you to arrive by public transportations instead of cars: just lean back, enjoy and do something good for the environment.
You can reach Rigi Staffel, the starting point of this hike, from Vitznau or Goldau by cogwheel railway.
Gäste-Service Rigi
Gäste-Service Rigi
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
The hike can be perfectly combined with a detour to the alpine farm Chäserenholz.
Safety guidelines
Please always follow the marked winter hiking trails.