Rigi Burggeist - Guetsch - Hinter Dossen - Rigi Burggeist (4.0km)




3.94 km long
round trip
Difficulty: medium
condition: medium
  • 01:45 h
  • 187 m
  • 187 m
  • 1,437 m
  • 1,598 m
  • 161 m
  • 3.94 km
  • Start: Rigi Burggeist
  • Destination: Rigi Burggeist

Rigi Burggeist - Nuestafel - Altstafel - Guetsch (vista point) - Hinter Dossen - Rigi Burggeist

On this snowshoe trail you will enjoy a magnificent panoramic view of the Alps and central of Switzerland. 

This snowshoe trail offers you a unique experience away from the mainstreams. The starting point and destination is Rigi Burggeist. The circular trail is approx. 4 km long and can be finished in approx. 120 minutes, depending on your fitness level. The snowshoe tours on Rigi Scheidegg-Burggeist are secret favourites of all snow sports enthusiasts. The paths are not groomed and offer winter hikers an incomparable mountain experience on untouched paths. Snowshoes and sticks can be rented in mountain restaurant Rigi Burggeist. Also in this mountain guesthouse you will recieve a map for this snowshoe tour.

For your information 

You can find the current operating status of the railways and hiking trails here.

In order to let our next generation also be inspired from the Queen of the Mountains, may we ask you to dispose of your own waste at Rigi Stations. Thank you.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Rigi Burggeist (1551 m) - Nuestafel - Altstafel (1433 m) - Guetsch (Aussichtspunkt) - Hinter Dossen (1545 m) - Rigi Burggeist  (1551 m)

Tour information

  • Loop Road


High profiled winter equipments are needed: hiking boots, rain jacket, drink, food and walking sticks when possible.

Directions & Parking facilities

Brunnen - Gersau - Aerial cable car "Obergschwend-Rigi Burggeist" - Rigi Burggeist
At cable car valley stations Kraebel - Rigi - Scheidegg and Obergschwend - Rigi Burggeist are parking spaces avaliable. Fees apply.

Further information on getting there and parking


However, we recommend you to arrive by public transportations instead of cars: just lean back, enjoy and do something good for the environment.

You can reach the starting point of the snowshoe hike - Rigi Burggeist, via Goldau with the cable car Kraebel-Rigi Scheidegg. The short walk from Rigi Scheidegg to Rigi Burggeist takes 15 minutes.

Click here to timeplan

Additional information

Den Wildtieren zuliebe:

  • Im Winter brauchen Wildtiere ruhige Rückzugsgebiete, um überleben zu können. Bleiben Sie bitte auf der Route, damit die Wildtiere nicht gestört werden.

  • Wir bitten Sie, Ihren Hund an der Leine zu führen.



Gäste-Service Rigi / Schwyzer Wanderwege


Gäste-Service Rigi

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

I really recommend you to have a refreshment before or after the hike in the cosy mountain inn Rigi Burggeist.

Safety guidelines

Please always follow the marked snowshoe trails.


Getting there
Rigi Burggeist - Guetsch - Hinter Dossen - Rigi Burggeist (4.0km)
6442 Gersau