St Michael's Chapel



The name Felsenkapelle (rock chapel) refers to the chapel situated between the rocks.
In earlier times, this place was called Schwesternborn. Legend has it that at the time of Emperor Albrecht of Austria  - at the beginning of the 14th century - three pious sisters retreated to this wilderness to escape violent bailiffs who wanted to kidnap them. They led a holy life there. After the death of the last of the three sisters, legend has it that a spring of healing water sprang up. Many people sought healing by bathing in the cold water, which was channelled into a trough. This is where the name Kaltbad comes from.

Nearly a day goes by without people coming to the chapel and lighting a candle with their intentions in their hearts. A service is held in the chapel every Sunday at 11.15 am (with some exceptions). The chapel is open during the day and can accommodate 85 people.

The chapel is owned by the Corporation Weggis. Requests for baptisms, weddings, concerts, etc. should be sent to the Sekretariat der Luzerner Seepfarreien (phone +41 41 392 00 92).

Good to know

Contact person

Sekretariat Luzerner Seepfarreien
6353 Weggis


Getting there
Felsenkapelle St. Michael
6356 Rigi Kaltbad