Obere Nas



The "obere Nas" is located at the end of Vitznau in the direction of Gersau/Brunnen. "Obere Nas" means in German upper nose.
Lake Lucerne is 800 metres wide between the lower and upper Nas. This is the narrowest part of the lake. The view towards Bürgenstock, which almost looks like an island, is impressive.

Lake Lucerne

Lake Lucerne measures 114 km2. Due to its distinctive shape with various lake basins, the shoreline is relatively long at around 150 km. The deepest point of the lake is not far from the Nasen, with a depth of 214 metres between Gersau and Beckenried.

Good to know

Target group

  • Individual guests

Contact person

Tourist Information Weggis
6353 Weggis


Getting there

Obere Nas
6354 Vitznau