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Good to know
Bau-Brau Jam
Curated jam for improvised music
The Kulturbrauerei and Mullbau are launching a jam. The idea is to create a scene meeting place where people can exchange ideas, bring the scene closer together and create new relationships. Strinning and Kokosnuss put the bands together and lead through the evening. (Grand piano, PA, drums, bass and guitar amp available).
Meeting point musicians 19:30, jam 20:00
Admission: Musicians: free (one free drink)
Audience: 7.- reduced / 15.- / 20.- solos
no advance booking, no reservations
Curated jam for improvised music
The Kulturbrauerei and Mullbau are launching a jam. The idea is to create a scene meeting place where people can exchange ideas, bring the scene closer together and create new relationships. Strinning and Kokosnuss put the bands together and lead through the evening. (Grand piano, PA, drums, bass and guitar amp available).
Meeting point musicians 19:30, jam 20:00
Admission: Musicians: free (one free drink)
Audience: 7.- reduced / 15.- / 20.- solos
no advance booking, no reservations
Good to know
Price info
7.- reduced / 15.- / 20.- soli
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