© Luzern Tourismus

Welcome to the holiday region Weggis Vitznau Rigi!

The Lucerne Riviera

A world of tranquility and adventure

There is so much here for you to discover! Enjoy time spent in the mountains whether soaking up the scenery or hiking, exploring cultural gems in the nearby city of Lucerne including concerts, architecture and superb restaurants, swimming in the crystal waters of the lake or enjoying one of the numerous boat trips and mountain railway excursions. There is a lot of fun to be had and we wish you much enjoyment and relaxation on our beautiful Riviera!


Time Out for Queens

The perfect weekend for girlfriends
Escape the daily grind and enjoy a break together with your best friends right by Lake Lucerne.


Spring Highlights

Nature awakens, fruit trees are in full bloom and the meadows are a blaze of colour - a source of joy and unrivalled beauty.


Spectacular mountain railroads, historic steamboats, inspiring museums, touching nature - the variety of excursion options in the Lucerne-Lake Lucerne Region is more than impressive.
